Sammie1994 Hello, i'm a bit of newbie when it comes to houseplants. I have recently bought a peace lily, but it is looking unwell and starting to droop and i'm not sure why. Does it need more light?
Support Hi Sammie, welcome to the forum. Peace lily's will start to droop when they are getting thirsty, so this would be what I would check first - how moist are you keeping the soil? They will usually prefer shadier conditions.
Sammie1994 The top is dry to the touch, but it's got some moisture a couple of inches deep. Have I been underwatering it? The leaves and stems look otherwise ok
Support Increase the amount of water so that the top of the soil feels like it has some moisture (but not waterlogged). Also make sure that your inner pot has drainage holes, so that any excess can drain away. They tend to perk up pretty quick after watering, so let us know tomorrow whether there is some improvement.
Sammie1994 Good news - it is already looking much better! The stems are straightening up again, so I guess it is indeed a water volume issue. Thanks so much for the help.