Kayla Mookaite Jasper Is this just a trade name and that is why it is not listed? It does seem to be unique from other kinds of Jasper and it happens to be my favorite gemstone of all time. I'd say its closest to Picture Jasper but still different.
Rosaline Hi Kayla, This is just a synonym of Mookaite. There is already a profile for Mookaite in the app - you can find it by pressing 'View complete list' on the menu, then tap the 'G-P' tab and scroll down to Mookaite. I'll tag @Support and perhaps they can add 'Mookaite Jasper' to the list of synonyms.
Support Hi all, No problem, I've added Mookaite Jasper to the Mookaite synonyms list, this will show in our next update. As mentioned, the Mookaite profile is what you'll want meanwhile Kayla 👍
dragonia Mookaite has quite a unique colour combination in the mineral world. I have some large tumble pieces, it looks quite good.